Friday, June 28, 2013

Strength in Waiting

Strength in Waiting - Charles Stanley

God has a purpose and plan for your life, and His timing is perfect. Sometimes He answers our prayers with "yes" or "no." But at other times, He says "not now"--when that is the case, we can avail ourselves of the rich rewards that come when we wait.

One very practical blessing is that God strengthens us as we lean on Him during delays. Isaiah 40:31 tells us that "those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength." We are given the metaphor of an eagle with wind beneath his wings. It is interesting to note that the words "wind" and "spirit" come from the same Greek word--pneuma. The spirit of God lifts us up, and His energy and strength sustain us as we abide in Him.

When we are facing a difficult decision, the real key is learning to wait. There is no verse of Scripture that tells us to take control and fight our own battles. God is the one who fights them on our behalf (2 Chron. 20:15). We are to be patient and trust in Him.

When David faced his greatest battles, he waited upon the Lord. God delivered him from destruction and set his feet on solid ground. (Ps. 40:1-3) He will do the same for you. When you abide in Him, He gives supernatural energy to accomplish the things He requires of you--His Spirit does for you what you cannot do for yourself.

In reading through the Scriptures, we see that every time one of God's saints gains a victory, he or she is waiting and trusting in the Lord. You can likewise experience triumph in your life. When you have the omnipotent Creator of the universe acting on your behalf, you can't lose.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Choosing the Right Building Material

Choosing the Right Building Material - Dr. Neil Anderson

Believers build their lives on the Rock of Ages: Jesus Christ. Every motive, every deed, and every word is material for our spiritual house. The apostle Paul warned followers to construct with care because on the day of judgment, fire will test the quality of each person’s work. This refers not to a literal fire but to the purifying presence of Jesus Christ.

When I stand in the Savior’s perfectly holy and just presence, all the wood, hay, and stubble in my life will disappear. Good things done with wrong motives will vanish along with secret sins and bad attitudes. Only what has been done and said in Jesus’ name remains. And the moment the chaff is gone, we will see that God is right—those things didn’t fit the life of His child.

On hearing this explanation, someone usually says, “All that matters is that I get into heaven.” But that attitude is shortsighted because the judgment of believers is about rewards. In the parable of the unrighteous steward, Jesus explained the basic concept to His disciples: “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10). Our time on earth is the beginning of an eternity serving and rejoicing in the Lord. God will reward us with heavenly responsibility according to our faithfulness here.

Wise people plan for the future (Prov. 27:12).I want to receive as much of God’s goodness as He offers, so I am determined to build with top-quality, enduring materials. The privilege of serving is only the beginning of the rewards. In heaven, God’s generosity will be even more abundantly unleashed. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2013



Isaiah 30:21

And your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left

In a telephone conversation a lady asked, "Dr. Anderson, my pastor says my favorite television evangelist is a false teacher. Is he right?"

At a ministerial retreat, a pastor stopped me and said, "Neil, I've been at this church three years and there's the situation. . . ." After finishing his description he asked "Do you think God is calling me out of there?"

A seminary student stopped by my office and asked, "You've met with my girlfriend and me twice now. Do you think we should get married?"

Good questions. Important questions for those asking them. They all hinge on the answer to a much larger question: Does God communicate His will to us? If so, how?

Each of these fine Christians was looking for direction or confirmation of God's leading. Possibly they lacked the spiritual discernment to make the right decision. They were thinking that I, like the referee in a game, would make the right "call" for them. I can advise and share what I know Scripture teaches, but only God can give divine guidance.

You can know God's will for your life. Ephesians 5:17 instructs us, "Do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." God doesn't instruct us to do something we cannot do. The will of God is knowable. In the first place, we have the Bible, God's Word, which the Holy Spirit will enlighten for us as we meditate on it, providing us with remarkably clear guidance in most areas of our life. Second, we usually can experience the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit in areas not specifically covered by God's Word--if we are spiritually free and desire to do His will.

I have come to deeply believe that God gently guides our steps as we choose to walk with Him. I believe in divine guidance. I believe that God wants to make His presence known in our lives and in our ministries.

Prayer: Lord, keep me sensitive to Your leading by staying close to You and giving my will to You.



Sid Stewart

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Choosing the Right Building Material

Choosing the Right Building Material - Dr. Charles Stanley

Believers build their lives on the Rock of Ages: Jesus Christ. Every motive, every deed, and every word is material for our spiritual house. The apostle Paul warned followers to construct with care because on the day of judgment, fire will test the quality of each person’s work. This refers not to a literal fire but to the purifying presence of Jesus Christ.

When I stand in the Savior’s perfectly holy and just presence, all the wood, hay, and stubble in my life will disappear. Good things done with wrong motives will vanish along with secret sins and bad attitudes. Only what has been done and said in Jesus’ name remains. And the moment the chaff is gone, we will see that God is right—those things didn’t fit the life of His child.

On hearing this explanation, someone usually says, “All that matters is that I get into heaven.” But that attitude is shortsighted because the judgment of believers is about rewards. In the parable of the unrighteous steward, Jesus explained the basic concept to His disciples: “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10). Our time on earth is the beginning of an eternity serving and rejoicing in the Lord. God will reward us with heavenly responsibility according to our faithfulness here.

Wise people plan for the future (Prov. 27:12).I want to receive as much of God’s goodness as He offers, so I am determined to build with top-quality, enduring materials. The privilege of serving is only the beginning of the rewards. In heaven, God’s generosity will be even more abundantly unleashed. 

Friday, June 21, 2013


GOD TURNS DARKNESS INTO LIGHT: “You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light...” PS18:28-30

His Purposes and Your Purpose

His Purposes and Your Purpose By: Mike Kendrick

Here’s a secret: You cannot discover the real reason God made you without having an authentic relationship with Christ. In fact, you will never grasp the meaning of your life apart from an intimate relationship with Him.
You will also never be able to discover your purpose without knowing what God wants to do in the world. Why? Because there is a clear link between what He is doing in the world and His purpose for you. In fact, He wants to use you to fulfill His purposes.
This is the real reason you are here.
You have been created by God and for God. Therefore, a first step to discover what God wants you to do with your life is to understand that it’s not really your purpose you should be seeking; it’s God’s purpose for you. Anything less will leave you unfulfilled.

God Can Use You Right Where You Are

As I mentioned, to discover God’s purpose for you, you have to understand His plans for the world. What does He want to accomplish? What does He care about most? When you discover the answers to these questions by getting to know Him through prayer and the Bible, you’ll have a better idea of how He wants to use your gifts and talents to serve Him.
The main thing He wants to do is to reconcile the world to Himself through love (John 3:16). Therefore, there is no way to find long-term fulfillment in something that is in opposition to—or even neutral to—that goal. Entertaining, perhaps. Fulfilling, no.
Because His desire is for us to “make disciples,” then it’s logical that we will be more fulfilled when our lives support that effort—or another of God’s purposes. This doesn’t mean that you have to be an evangelist. However your natural skills and talents can be used—if even in an indirect way—to help accomplish God’s purposes in the world.
For example, a businessman can discover fulfillment in life by using a portion of his earnings to feed the hungry. Or a bookkeeper’s services may support a company that provides Bibles to the needy.
There are numerous ways God can use you right now, right where you are. This is good news because everyone can experience fulfillment by leveraging their position in life to serve Him and help accomplish His purposes in the world.
Are you a teacher? A banker? A construction worker? A web designer? How can you use your current occupation to make disciples, love others, and demonstrate His grace? When you begin to take even the smallest steps toward using your gifts and talents to fulfill His purposes in the world–if even in an indirect way–then you can know the fulfillment that comes from experiencing the real reason you are here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013




Romans 8:26, 27 

The Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. . . . He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God


We really don't know how to pray or what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit does and He will help us in our weakness. Help is a fascinating word in Greek ( sunantilambano ), two prepositions placed in front of the word take . The Holy Spirit comes alongside, bears us up, and takes us to the other side. The Holy Spirit connects us with God. He intercedes for us on our behalf. The prayer that the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray is the prayer that God the Father will always answer.


How does the Holy Spirit help us in our weakness? I didn't know, but one evening while preparing a message on the topic of praying in the spirit I tried something. I said, "Okay, Lord, I'm setting aside my list, and I'm going to assume that whatever comes to my mind during this time of prayer is from You or allowed by You. I'm going to let You set the agenda." Whatever came to my mind that evening was what I prayed about. If it was a tempting thought, I talked to God about that area of weakness. If the busyness of the day clamored for attention, I discussed my plans with God. I dealt with whatever came to my mind.


I wasn't passively letting thoughts control me though. I was actively taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Let me warn you that if you passively listen to your thoughts, you may end up paying attention to a deceiving spirit (1 Timothy 4:1).


If you try this kind of praying, you will find out how personal God really is. If God determined and prioritized our prayer list, He would begin with personal issues that affect our relationship with Him. "Come on," God says. "You keep telling others you have a personal relationship with Me. Let's get personal!"


Prayer: Lord, teach me what it means to pray in the Spirit at the deep, personal levels of our relationship.



FOR OUR GOOD: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him...." Rom8:28-29 #devotion

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


KEEP MOVING FORWARD: “ know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James1:2-3 #run #devotion




Galatians 5:17 

The flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Sprit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.


Are you stymied in your growth because of feelings of inferiority? To whom or to what are you inferior? You are a child of God seated with Christ in the heavenlies (Ephesians 2:6). Do you feel insecure? Your God will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Inadequate? You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). Guilty? There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1). Worried? God has offered to trade His peace for your anxiety (Philippians 4:6, 7; 1 Peter 5:7; John 14:27). Doubt? God provides wisdom for the asking (James 1:5).


Why is there often such great disparity between these two kinds of Christians: spiritual and fleshly? Why are so many believers living so far below their potential in Christ? Why are so few of us enjoying the abundant, productive life we have already inherited?


Part of the answer is related to the process of growth and maturity as the individual believer appropriates and applies his spiritual identity to his day-to-day experience. And yet there are countless numbers of Christians who have been born again for years--even decades--and have yet to experience significant measures of victory over sin and the flesh, a victory which is their inheritance in Christ.


Another part of the answer is due to our ignorance of how the kingdom of darkness is impacting our progress toward maturity. We have a living, personal enemy--Satan--who actively attempts to block our attempts to grow into maturity as God's children. We must know how to stand against him. Paul wrote about Satan: "We are not ignorant of his schemes" (2 Corinthians 2:11). Perhaps Paul and the Corinthians weren't ignorant, but a lot of Christians today surely are. We live as though Satan and his dark realm don't exist. And our naivete in this area is exacting a crippling toll from our freedom in Christ.


Prayer: Dear Lord, I stand against Satan's schemes to pollute my life with deeds of sin and the flesh. I embrace my inheritance as a child of God today.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


CONTENTMENT: “... I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances....” Phil4:11-13 #devotion #blessed #joy

The Fleshly Person

The Fleshly Person - Neil Anderson


1 Corinthians 3: 2,3 

I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly.


The spirit of the fleshly person is identical to that of the spiritual person. The fleshly person is a Christian, spiritually alive in Christ and declared righteous by God. But that's where the similarity ends. Instead of being directed by the Spirit, this believer chooses to follow the impulses of his flesh. As a result, his mind is occupied by carnal thoughts and his emotions are plagued by negative feelings. And though he is free to choose to walk after the Spirit and produce the fruit of the Spirit, he continues to involve himself in sinful activity by willfully walking after the flesh.


His physical body is a temple of God, but he is using it as an instrument of unrighteousness. He has the same troubling physical symptoms experienced by the natural person because he is not operating in the manner God created him to operate. He is not presenting his body to God as a living sacrifice. Since he yields to the flesh instead of crucifying it, the fleshly man is also subject to feelings of inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy, guilt, worry, and doubt.


Several years ago I did some research to discover how many Christians are still the victims of their flesh. I asked the same question to 50 consecutive Christians who came to me to talk about problems in their lives: "How many of the following characteristics describe your life: inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy, guilt, worry, and doubt:" Every one of the 50 answered, "All six." Here were 50 born-again, righteous children of God who were so bogged down by the flesh that they struggled with the same problems of self-doubt which inundate unbelivers who only live in the flesh.


If I asked you the same question, how would you answer? I imagine that many of you would admit that some or all of these six traits describe you. It is evident to me that a staggering number of believers are still confused about their spiritual identity in Christ and its implications for their daily lives. We are struggling with the behavior aspect of our growth because we are still struggling with the belief aspect of our growth: who we are in Christ.


Prayer: Father, help me live above my fleshly desires today by exercising my spiritual inheritance at every temptation.


Monday, June 17, 2013


HUMILITY, WISDOM, & INNOCENCE: “I am sending u out like sheep among wolves.There4 be..shrewd..& innocent...” Mat10:16

Standing Before God’s Open Door

Standing Before God’s Open Door - Dr. Charles Stanley

The apostle Paul had passion and vision to reach the world with the good news about salvation. As he followed the Spirit’s leading, his determination proved effective. There’s no telling how many lives the Lord transformed through this man. And his influence is still impacting people today.

Paul knew that Jesus had instructed His followers to “make disciples of all the nations,” teaching them to observe everything He had commanded (Matt. 28:19). God led and enabled the apostle to do his part in carrying out this divine mission.

But think about life back then—that was a big task for a time when there was no mass communication. Paul could only teach, write, or train others to share the truth. In spite of limited means, however, he obeyed fervently and effectively.

God’s command is still relevant for us today. He has given us the work of telling all nations about redemption through Christ’s blood and resurrection. Compared to Paul, we have an abundance of communication capabilities—including radio, television, Internet, and cell phones—which provide easy access into countries all over the world. We could make more disciples by better utilizing these technologies. But how tragic if we get busy and fail to obey God’s command.

We stand at a critical moment in history for the church. The door of opportunity is wide open for us to share the gospel through a variety of methods. As believers, we are obligated to carry out Christ’s Great Commission. Be careful that neither busyness nor apathy keeps you from obedience.

Friday, June 14, 2013


GOD'S DREAM: “...Here comes this dreamer..let us kill him..& we will see what will become of his dreams.” Gen37:19-20

Tapping into His Power – Dr. Tony Evans

Tapping into His Power – Dr. Tony Evans

In His Presence: “Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God” (Acts 12:5).

There was a lady who lived out in the country and never had electricity. Finally, her family made arrangements so a line could be run out to her house. However, after six months, she had only used one unit. Company officials decided to drive out to her house to make sure nothing was wrong. When everything checked out fine, they asked her if she was enjoying having electricity. “Oh my, yes,” she replied.

Then one of the representatives said, “Well, tell us how you are using it.” The old woman paused for a moment, and then, with a gleam in her eyes, she explained. Each evening, as the sun was setting, she turned the lights on long enough to light her kerosene lamps—and then turned them off! She was still living a kerosene existence when she could have been enjoying the comforts of having electricity.

God has given us tremendous power through the presence of His Spirit. Yet many times, we fail to use it. Instead, we settle for much less by relying solely on our human ability. There are certain things God never meant for us to handle on our own. We may be fine when it comes to choosing which shirt to wear in the morning, but when life becomes stormy and the winds begin to blow hard against us, we need an omnipotent Savior.

In Acts 12, we learn that Peter was arrested and that no amount of human effort could free him. However, the supernatural power of God did. The Bible tells us that the church was praying fervently. This means they were praying without ceasing, knowing that God had the power they lacked to release the one they loved.

What are you wrestling with today? Have you rolled it over onto the Lord through prayer, or have you lit a room full of kerosene lamps? Stop struggling on your own and turn on God’s power through prayer and faith. Allow Him to be your strength and your everlasting peace.

One Minute Please
God wants to use the problems we face to demonstrate His awesome power and ability. Are you willing to allow Him to do this?


Thursday, June 13, 2013


BE STILL BEFORE THE LORD: “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him....” Ps37:7 #devotion #God #peace

Dying to Be a Servant A Parable

Dying to Be a Servant A Parable - Dr. Charles Stanley

Once upon a time there were two grains of wheat lying on the floor of a warm and cozy barn. But one day, the farmer came in and told them, "I want to take you out of this comfortable barn and plant you in the earth. I'm going to place you in the cold ground and cover you with soil. It will be dark, and you will die. But I promise that you will multiply and become very fruitful."

The first grain of wheat turned down the suggestion. "No way!" he said. "Count me out. I like my comfort, and I don't want to die." But the second one, after carefully considering the pain and discomfort of dying, decided the promise of a future harvest was worth the sacrifice. So the farmer took him outside and planted him in the ground, while allowing the first grain of wheat to remain inside the barn.

A few days later, a small green sprout appeared over where the seed had been planted. Then it grew and became a tall stalk of wheat that produced one hundred more grains. For the next forty years, the farmer planted all the seeds that had originated from that first grain of wheat, and year after year, the harvest multiplied. However, the grain of wheat that stayed in the barn remained there by itself, never multiplying--but he was very comfortable.

Which grain of wheat are you? Are you playing it safe, or have you let Christ plant you in the world? The only way you'll ever become useful and fruitful in God's kingdom is to abandon your own selfish desires, get out of your comfort zone, and serve the Lord by serving others.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


NEW CLOTHES: “The Lord makes me very happy...He has covered me with the clothes of salvation..." Is61:10-11 #devotion


June 12



1 Corinthians 15:55 

O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?


Most phobias can be reduced to a fear of man or death. Death looms over many as the ultimate fear-object. The fact that death is imminent is clearly established in Scripture: "It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).


But Christians need not fear death. Jesus removed death as a legitimate fear-object by taking away its power when He died for our sins. Jesus Himself said, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die" (John 11:25, 26). Even though we will eventually die physically, we will continue to live spiritually.


Every child of God is spiritually alive, and even physical death cannot separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38). Paul says, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Why? When we physically die, we will receive a resurrected body and be far better off than we are today. Try putting something else into Paul's formula; for instance, "For me to live is success." Then to die would be what? Loss! "For me to live is a good physical body." Again, to die would be loss.


I often ask people, "What is the worst thing that could happen to you?" "Well, I could die," they answer. To which I respond, "Then you have nothing to fear, since the Bible says death may be the best thing that could happen to you!" The ultimate value is not physical life but spiritual life. If our life is hidden in Christ, then we won't suffer loss when we physically die. We can only gain. We can say confidently with Paul, "O death where is your sting?" The person who is free from the fear of death is free to live today.


Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that You have freed me to live fully in the here and now. I leave the time of my departure in Your hands.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


DOING GOD'S WORK – Dr. Neil Anderson

Isaiah 58:11

The LORD will continually guide you

An important concept of God's will is that God can only guide a moving ship. He is the rudder, but if the ship isn't under way, it can't be directed. Willingness to obey His will gets the ship moving.

In Acts 15:36, Paul had decided to revisit the churches he helped establish on his first missionary trip. The churches were being strengthened and increasing in number (Acts 16:5). Luke reports:

And they passed through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia; and when they had come to Mysia, they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them; and passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a certain man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us" (Acts 16:6-9).

Sometimes God's leading does not make sense. If God wanted Paul to go to Macedonia in the first place, why didn't He make it easier and faster by having Paul travel by land to Caesarea and sail to Macedonia? Because God starts us out on a life course to fulfill a certain purpose and then, only when we are ready, He gives us course corrections. Like a good river pilot, He steers us away from troubled waters, and like a good coach, He never puts us in the game until we are ready.

I believe in divine guidance as described in Isaiah 58:11. But the context reveals that there are prerequisites that have to be satisfied. We are sometimes like a person who seeks to be an athlete by simply suiting up for the race. That's not how the skills are gained. It's in the course of dedication, training, and the contest itself that one gains the skill of an athlete.

It's in the doing of God's work that His will becomes known.

Prayer: Thank You, Father, that You oversee every turn in the road of my life. I want to faithfully heed Your guidance today



FIRE YOURSELF: “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered....” 2Cor1:8-9 #God

Monday, June 10, 2013

Things That Cannot Be Shaken – Dr. Charles Stanley

Things That Cannot Be Shaken – Dr. Charles Stanley

As a rule, people like security. We seek what is comfortable. Yet the reality of our world is that much instability exists. For example, finances, health, and even a country’s ability to survive are not guaranteed.

When our foundation is shaken, we often feel overwhelmed. Sometimes
Satan causes the difficulty—with God’s permission, of course. At other times, challenging circumstances are brought about by the Lord’s hand. Regardless of the source, we have the promise in Romans 8:28 that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” And in either case, the Almighty’s purpose remains: to glorify Himself in our world and in our lives.

There are different reasons the Lord permits turmoil, but for now, let’s focus on one: He won’t allow anything that enables man to seem self-sufficient in his own eyes. Therefore, God may lovingly allow enough trouble for us to realize our need of Him. Consider the trials the Israelites faced each time they turned away from Jehovah to worship other gods. In many ways, we do the same thing today. Individually, in our churches, and as a nation, we often glorify “gods” like money or status. But the One who created us will not tolerate this.

In our pride, we tend to think we’re able to manage without God. But out of love, He may stir up our lives to reveal our dependence upon Him. If you are basing your security on anything except Jesus Christ—even something as seemingly innocent as comfort—it will prove to be sinking sand.


“For it is by grace you have been saved...and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God...." Eph2:8-9

Friday, June 7, 2013

Overcoming the Barrier of Inadequacy – Dr. Charles Stanley

No one likes feelings of inadequacy, but they are something we must learn to handle, as none of us can avoid them permanently. Tragically, though, many people live with a cloud over their head because in their thinking, they never measure up. For some, this may be due to childhood experiences that negatively affected their self-image. For others, the problem stems from a lack of success related to work, relationships, marriage, parenting, or any number of things.
The area Paul deals with in today's passage is our Christian life. He asks a question that points to a common insecurity: "Who is adequate for these things?" (v. 16). Have you ever avoided serving the Lord in ways that challenge your comfort zone? If so, you've probably missed a tremendous opportunity to overcome feelings of inadequacy. He's promised to lead us "in triumph in Christ," (v. 14) but unless we believe Him and step out in faith, we'll never experience the life He has planned for us.
Feeling inadequate is not a sin, but using it as an excuse is. When the Lord challenges you to do something that you feel is beyond your abilities, you have two options. You can focus on Christ and proceed in triumph or focus on yourself and withdraw in defeat.
It's really a matter of faith. God would never ask you to do something without empowering you to accomplish it. This doesn't necessarily mean you will do it perfectly, but each step of obedience is a victory. The alternative is to play it safe, but then you'll miss out on God's best for your life.


 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways...." Is55:8-9 #devotion#trustGod

Thursday, June 6, 2013


1 Kings 3:9
Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.
Discernment is an overlooked spiritual discipline in many churches. But in reality, spiritual discernment should be our first line of defense against deception. It's that "buzzer" inside, warning you that something is wrong. For example, you visit someone's home and everything appears in order. But you can cut the air with a knife. Even though nothing visible confirms it, your spirit detects that something is wrong in that home.
The first step to understanding discernment is to understand the motive which is essential for employing it. In 1 Kings 3:9, Israel's king Solomon cried out to God for help. God answers: "Because you have asked this thing and have not asked for yourself long life, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have you asked for the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself discernment to understand justice, behold, I have done according to your words. Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart" (verses 11, 12). The motive for true discernment is never to promote self, to amass personal gain, or to secure an advantage over another person--even an enemy.
The Greek word for discernment-- diakrino --simply means to make a judgment or a distinction. Discernment has one primary function: to distinguish right from wrong. In 1 Corinthians 12:10 discernment is the divinely enabled ability to distinguish a good spirit from a bad spirit.
Discernment is not a function of the mind; it's a function of the Holy Spirit which is in union with your soul/spirit. When the Spirit sounds a warning, your mind may not be able to perceive what's wrong. Have the courage to acknowledge that something is wrong when your spirit is troubled. Share what you are sensing with others, and ask the Lord for wisdom.
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for the discernment Your Holy Spirit provides. Without You I couldn't avoid the land mines the enemy places in my path.

Pray for God's Grace to Fortify you Against Satan's Temptations – Matthew Henry

And that the temptations of Satan may not overcome me.
I pray that I may not enter into temptation; Matthew 26:41(ESV) or, however, that no temptation may overtake me that is not common to man. And may the faithful God never let me be tempted beyond my ability, but with the temptation provide the way of escape for me. 1 Corinthians 10:13(ESV)
Put upon me the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil; Ephesians 6:11(ESV) to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Fasten on me the belt of truth, put on me the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for my feet, put on me the readiness given by the gospel of peace. Give me the shield of faith, with which I may extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one, and the helmet of salvation; and let the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, be always ready to me. Ephesians 6:13-17(ESV)
Enable me to resist the devil, so that he may flee from me; James 4:7(ESV) to resist him firm in the faith. 1 Peter 5:9(ESV) And may you, the God of peace, tread Satan under your people’s feet, and may you do it soon. Romans 16:20(ESV)


“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jer29:13 #devotion #trustGod #Bible

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

An Uncompromising Life – Boyd Bailey

But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Daniel 1:8

Does every person really have a price? Their purity? Their integrity? Their lifestyle? Their identity? Daniel’s price was death. He was willing to die rather than defile himself with ungodly influences. Behind enemy lines he could have easily blended in with the culture. However, fear of the Lord is not conditional on the cultural mores of the day. An uncompromising life resolves not to be bought by any force outside of faith in Christ, Not bowing to money or status, only God.
What is your price? Are you willing to be a little dishonest to gain a lot of authority? The enemy does not try to destroy your good name in one fell swoop. He  shrewdly  chips away at your character with questions like, “Did God really mean this for me?” “Haven’t I grown beyond the need to be accountable?” Indeed, a weakened character is set up to fall, but a character grounded in God withstands the Tempter’s trysts. The Bride of Christ is faithful to  One, Jesus alone!
And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11
Yes, be shameless and humble to declare your focused allegiance to your Heavenly Father and no one else. Take your marching orders from your Master Jesus. Let the Lord define your lifestyle, not those whose style of life tip God and flirt with sin. Culture and less honorable friends and family will attempt to mold you into their definition of a meaningful life. But, you look to heaven for your standard of living on earth. Embrace by grace an uncompromising lifestyle.
Above all, accept and enjoy your identity  in Christ alone. Yes, rest in the way your Creator has created you. Be who you were made to be. Be content with the lot in life the Lord has given you. If you strive to be someone you’re not, you will have an inner knot of anxiety that haunts you. However, you enjoy peace when you accept yourself for who you are in Christ. Indeed, you are loved and forgiven by your Heavenly Father. His Spirit strengthens your uncompromising life!
He [Job] is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you [Satan] incited me against him to ruin him without any reason. Job 2:3
Prayer: Heavenly Father give me the righteous resolve to stand uncompromising for Christ.

Jars of Clay

JARS OF CLAY: “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God..."

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Vision, Vitality, and Victory

Vision, Vitality, and Victory
by Charles R. Swindoll

Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,
for I wait for You.
Psalm 25:21

Thoughts are the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life.

My body responds and reacts to the input from my mind. If I feed my mind upon doubt, disbelief, and discouragement, that is precisely the kind of day my body will experience.

If I adjust my thermostat forward to thoughts filled with vision, vitality, and victory, I can count on that kind of day.

Thoughts, positive or negative, grow stronger when fertilized with constant repetition. That may explain why so many who are gloomy and gray stay in that mood . . . and why those who are cheery and enthusiastic continue to be so.

You need only one foreman in your mental factory; Mr. Triumph is His name. He is anxious to assist you.

His real name is the Holy Spirit, the Helper.


TOTAL SURRENDER: “I will sacrifice a thank offering to you & call on the name of the Lord....” Ps116:17-18 #devotion

Monday, June 3, 2013

Serve Where He Set You – Alistair Begg

Potters were among the ranks of manual workers, but the king needed potters, and therefore they were elevated to royal service, although the material upon which they worked was nothing but clay. In the same way we also may be engaged in the most menial part of the Lord's work, but it is a great privilege to do anything for the King; and therefore we will play our part, hoping that, although we live among the pots, we will soar in the service of our Master. These people dwelt among plants and hedges and had rough, rustic hedging and ditching work to do. They may have wanted to live in the city, amid its life, society, and refinement, but they kept their assigned places because they were doing the king's work. There is no ideal place for us to serve God except the place He sets us down. We are not to run from it on a whim or sudden notion, but we should serve the Lord in it by being a blessing to those among whom we live.
These potters and gardeners had royal company, for they lived with the king, and although among hedges and plants, they lived with the king there. No lawful place or gracious occupation, however menial, can keep us from communion with our Lord. In hovels, run-down neighborhoods, and jails, we may keep company with the King. In all works of faith we can count upon Jesus' fellowship. It is when we are in His work that we may reckon on His smile.
You unknown workers who are serving the Lord amid the dirt and wretchedness of the lowest of the low, be of good cheer, for jewels have often been found among rubbish, earthen pots have been filled with heavenly treasure, and ugly weeds have been transformed into precious flowers. Dwell with the King and do His work, and when He writes His chronicles, your name shall be recorded.


“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Prov.17:22