Friday, July 29, 2011


You hear a lot these days about worldview.  Having a Biblical Worldview in my way of thinking is the only way life makes sense.  There are four questions that can be answered by having this worldview and they are:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Where did I come from?
  3. What is my purpose here?
  4. Where am I going?
If a person can answer these questions, life takes on a whole new meaning.

Sid Stewart, Executive Director

Friday, July 22, 2011

Training Women for Life in Christ

“Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:37-40

At the Haven of Rest Women’s Ministry, we are training women for life in Christ.  This includes six months of personal discipleship, as well as helping to equip them with the necessary resources to live life outside of our walls freely and abundantly.

One of the goals we have for our clients in Phase II of the women’s program is to help women earn their GED if they do not have a high school diploma.  Many women, however, cannot afford the tuition cost for enrolling in Adult Ed for the GED program.  If you would like to donate specifically to our scholarship fund and help a woman achieve this goal, the cost of the program is $80 ($40 for classes and $40 for the cost of the GED exam).  Send your contributions to the Haven of Rest Women’s Ministry, 219 West Whitner Street, Anderson, SC 29624.  Checks can be made payable to the Haven of Rest Women’s Ministry.  Please write “GED Scholarship Fund” on the memo line.

Your continued support of this ministry is helping to build the Kingdom of Christ one woman at a time.

Making Disciples for Christ,
Theresa Allen
Women’s Ministry Director

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

At the Men's Training Center

We are excited to see our computer lab coming together.  Monday night, July 18, we began putting our brand new units (10 were donated) on new tables with new chairs.  We will have 9 stations with one facilitator/instructor station.

Our goal will be to have one instructional class each week for our men in addition to an open lab time on Saturday afternoons for anyone to work on the computer whether it be a personal word document, résumé preparation, GED tutorial or Information Technology training.

As already said we are just getting going but hope to add a well-defined computer program to enhance each man’s marketability for job preparedness in today’s workplace.

Eddie Capps
MTC Director

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

On July 2, 1990, I began working part-time for Haven of Rest Ministries by paying the bills, recording contributions, and processing payroll.  I was a new mom with a 3-month old baby girl, and the flexible hours were just what I needed.  At first I shared the corner of a desk with the ministry’s secretary in an office with 4 colors of paint on the walls (I wish I had a picture of that).  Over time I got my own desk, then my own office, and now I occupy the former kitchen at the mission.  (Look close and you’ll see counter-level outlets, protruding water pipes, a sunken place over the drain in the floor, and where a window-unit air conditioner once sat.)

I’ve gone from being the 2nd woman in the office to one of five - with three of us in the Finance Department.  Rev. Craig Neill, former Haven of Rest Executive Director and my former pastor, stated that if I would just give working for this ministry a try, it would grow on me.  Over the past 21 years I’ve admitted to him several times that he was right.   

One of the first things God showed me after coming to work here was how small my faith was.  I asked for a set of “in” and “out” boxes after I had my own desk to work at.  Preacher Neill told me to pray that one would be donated.  I did, but without any true expectation of having my request fulfilled.  The next time I came to work there was a set of these boxes on my desk as well as the secretary’s!  That was just the beginning of the marvelous workings of God that I would be privileged to witness while working here.

As often as possible I attend the graduation ceremonies held for those in our men’s and women’s program.  Each time I hear the testimony of someone who is completing our program, I am touched and convicted by their passion and enthusiasm for Christ.  It’s so rewarding to know that in a small way (paying the grocery bill, making deposits, etc.) I played a part in helping them turn to Christ.

I am now realizing how quickly time passes as the daughter I mentioned earlier (Rebecca) and my second and youngest child (Derrick) will be attending Erskine College this fall.  In looking back over the last 21 years I’ve seen how God has orchestrated different aspects of my life as well as my career.  I don’t know what the next 21 years will bring, but I’m going to hold on tight to God’s hand as I continue my journey along “Memory Lane.”

Sharon Brown
Financial Director