Friday, October 21, 2011


As  we look around and see the power and beauty of God's world and the changes that He shows us each fall, may we never forget to thank Him and give Him glory for all He has done for us.  May the one who spoke all this wonder into existence speak to you today. 

Gene Christian, Industry Coordinator

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Christian Life

The normal Christian life is one of constant and continual revival. While longing for a global revival to sweep the earth or a local revival to touch our church, we can personally nourish our soul every day. We can grow wise by the reading of God's Word, become enlightened by meditating on memorized Scripture, learn to treat others with the tenderness of agape love, and display the sweet traits of humility and confession. We can bolster our spirits with hymns and songs, and we can comfort and strengthen our hearts by reflecting on heaven and on things above.

For renewal to take place, we have only to study God's blessed Word and let it do its work in our lives.

Regularity of devotion, this holiness of common life... is a devotion that is the duty of all orders of Christian people.  William Law

1William Law, A Serious Call (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966), 45, 88.

Taken from "Our Daily Bread"

Friday, October 7, 2011

Haven of Rest Mission

The residents at the Haven of Rest Mission have a wonderful, blessed opportunity to learn about God, themselves, and to develop a solid, safe and secure plan for their lives based on the Word.  They are put in a safe environment and given the time to experience God and what God is trying to do in their lives.  When they see this, they can bring honor and glory to God and allow them to become an asset to their family, church, and community.

We desire your prayers.  Thank you

Curtis Pless, Mission Director

Friday, September 30, 2011

Managing MY Emotions

I have recently started teaching a class on Joyce Meyer’s book ‘Managing Your Emotions’ and I’m here to tell you…God has a way of making the teacher the student.  I have always personally struggled with my emotions and controlling them.  I’m learning so many things and I really wanted to share some of them with you all.  God has a purpose in everything!  Amen

Managing Your Emotions
By: Joyce Meyer
Questions and Answers
  1. Can we get rid of our emotions?  No, but we can manage our emotions.
  2. Can we feel more than one emotion at a time?  Yes
  3. Is anger a wrong emotion?  No    Explain your answer: The Bible does not teach that we are never to feel anger.  Instead it teaches that when we do get angry, we are not to sin, but rather we are the MANAGE or CONTROL our anger in the proper ways.
  4. Where do our emotions come from? All emotions are given to us by God Himself and they have a purpose.    
  5. Are sexual emotions wrong?  No  Explain your answer  It simply means that we are human and subject to all emotional feelings and reactions experienced by other human beings.  THE IMPORTANT THING IS HOW YOU HANDLE YOUR EMOTIONS.
  6. With God’s help, we are to learn to keep sexual feelings Under Control until we are married.
Romans 6:12 states: Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

  1. We are to resist sin in the power of the Holy Spirit.
*****It is important to remember that emotions won’t disappear and go away.  They will ALWAYS be there.  We must not deny their existence or feel guilty because of them.  Instead, we are to channel them in the right direction.  We are to deny the flesh the right to rule us, but we are not to deny that it exists.*****
  1. It seems that the majority of people are either emotional or emotionless.
  2. The ability to show emotions when they are positive and helpful, and to control emotions when they are negative and destructive can be referred to as balance.
I would like to challenge you to come visit us and see firsthand who we are and what we do!  To schedule a tour or just to ask questions, please contact me at 864-226-6193 ext. 102 or e-mail me at  Thank you for your willingness to help others.

In Christ,
Heather J. Mabe
Development Coordinator

Friday, September 23, 2011


As we are thinking about the fall of the year and the fact that the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons are just around the corner, we start thinking of all the people that may not be able to enjoy the things you and I may this time of year.  There will be volunteer opportunities and opportunities to give and share what God has blessed us with.  If you would like to find out more, please call us at 226-6193.

Sid Stewart, Executive Director

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Power of an Earnest Prayer

In Matthew 7:7-8  Christ says, “Ask and you shall receive.  Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be open to you.”  He didn’t say, “Maybe I can help.” Christ said to “Ask!”  The most reliable, confident step you can make in your relationship with God is to pray.  Therefore, when you come into the presence of God, don’t come with a calloused attitude; don’t come with a lazy “lay me down to sleep” prayer; come with great expectation that your Father is listening and ready to answer.  God has given us the promise in 1 John 5:14, “And if we ask for anything that agrees with what He wants, He hears us.”  An earnest prayer from a faithful child moves the hands and heart of God.

Please join us in praying for the ministry of the Haven of Rest. 

Theresa Allen
Women’s Ministry Director

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Emergency Numbers (In the Bible)

When in sorrow
Call John 14
When men fail you
Call Psalm 27
When you worry
Call Matthew 6:19-34
When God seems far away
Call Psalm 139
When you feel down and out
Call Romans 8:31
When you want peace and rest
Call Matthew 11:25-30
If you are depressed
Call Psalm 27
When you want courage for a task
Call Joshua 1
For reassurance
Call Psalm 145:18
For dealing with fear
Call Psalm 34:7

Friday, July 29, 2011


You hear a lot these days about worldview.  Having a Biblical Worldview in my way of thinking is the only way life makes sense.  There are four questions that can be answered by having this worldview and they are:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Where did I come from?
  3. What is my purpose here?
  4. Where am I going?
If a person can answer these questions, life takes on a whole new meaning.

Sid Stewart, Executive Director

Friday, July 22, 2011

Training Women for Life in Christ

“Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:37-40

At the Haven of Rest Women’s Ministry, we are training women for life in Christ.  This includes six months of personal discipleship, as well as helping to equip them with the necessary resources to live life outside of our walls freely and abundantly.

One of the goals we have for our clients in Phase II of the women’s program is to help women earn their GED if they do not have a high school diploma.  Many women, however, cannot afford the tuition cost for enrolling in Adult Ed for the GED program.  If you would like to donate specifically to our scholarship fund and help a woman achieve this goal, the cost of the program is $80 ($40 for classes and $40 for the cost of the GED exam).  Send your contributions to the Haven of Rest Women’s Ministry, 219 West Whitner Street, Anderson, SC 29624.  Checks can be made payable to the Haven of Rest Women’s Ministry.  Please write “GED Scholarship Fund” on the memo line.

Your continued support of this ministry is helping to build the Kingdom of Christ one woman at a time.

Making Disciples for Christ,
Theresa Allen
Women’s Ministry Director

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

At the Men's Training Center

We are excited to see our computer lab coming together.  Monday night, July 18, we began putting our brand new units (10 were donated) on new tables with new chairs.  We will have 9 stations with one facilitator/instructor station.

Our goal will be to have one instructional class each week for our men in addition to an open lab time on Saturday afternoons for anyone to work on the computer whether it be a personal word document, résumé preparation, GED tutorial or Information Technology training.

As already said we are just getting going but hope to add a well-defined computer program to enhance each man’s marketability for job preparedness in today’s workplace.

Eddie Capps
MTC Director

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

On July 2, 1990, I began working part-time for Haven of Rest Ministries by paying the bills, recording contributions, and processing payroll.  I was a new mom with a 3-month old baby girl, and the flexible hours were just what I needed.  At first I shared the corner of a desk with the ministry’s secretary in an office with 4 colors of paint on the walls (I wish I had a picture of that).  Over time I got my own desk, then my own office, and now I occupy the former kitchen at the mission.  (Look close and you’ll see counter-level outlets, protruding water pipes, a sunken place over the drain in the floor, and where a window-unit air conditioner once sat.)

I’ve gone from being the 2nd woman in the office to one of five - with three of us in the Finance Department.  Rev. Craig Neill, former Haven of Rest Executive Director and my former pastor, stated that if I would just give working for this ministry a try, it would grow on me.  Over the past 21 years I’ve admitted to him several times that he was right.   

One of the first things God showed me after coming to work here was how small my faith was.  I asked for a set of “in” and “out” boxes after I had my own desk to work at.  Preacher Neill told me to pray that one would be donated.  I did, but without any true expectation of having my request fulfilled.  The next time I came to work there was a set of these boxes on my desk as well as the secretary’s!  That was just the beginning of the marvelous workings of God that I would be privileged to witness while working here.

As often as possible I attend the graduation ceremonies held for those in our men’s and women’s program.  Each time I hear the testimony of someone who is completing our program, I am touched and convicted by their passion and enthusiasm for Christ.  It’s so rewarding to know that in a small way (paying the grocery bill, making deposits, etc.) I played a part in helping them turn to Christ.

I am now realizing how quickly time passes as the daughter I mentioned earlier (Rebecca) and my second and youngest child (Derrick) will be attending Erskine College this fall.  In looking back over the last 21 years I’ve seen how God has orchestrated different aspects of my life as well as my career.  I don’t know what the next 21 years will bring, but I’m going to hold on tight to God’s hand as I continue my journey along “Memory Lane.”

Sharon Brown
Financial Director

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mission News

The men residents at the Haven of Rest Mission had the opportunity to attend a revival concerning Biblical history at a local church this past week.  It was very informing and inspirational.

Our advanced program guys were invited to a cookout and testimony service last Friday night by some long-time mentors and friends of the Haven of Rest.  Our men said they had a great time of fun and fellowship.  We sincerely thank all those that share their time and finances to help these men.  You are a tremendous blessing.

Curtis Pless
Mission Director

Friday, June 24, 2011

Loving God is the key to loving others

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

If we follow these 2 commandments, then it won’t be hard to follow the other 8.

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24

Sandra Vickery
Administrative Assistant

Monday, June 20, 2011

God’s strength…my weakness

I love how God speaks to us and how He always knows just what to use to break through to us.  I was dwelling on how I (Heather) was going to be strong enough, good enough, smart enough to get through the mini crises that seem so major in the moment and even overwhelming at times.  I was focusing so hard on how I (Heather) could possibly juggle everything, control everything, and manage every detail without messing up.  I started to pray and I remember saying “Father I need you to make me stronger” and it was almost as if God snapped His almighty hands to wake me up and said Heather you cannot be strong enough because I am your strength and apart from me you can do nothing!  I just sat there staring out with tears running down my face.  All God wanted was for me to stop relying on myself and start relying on Him alone.  I had to stand back and praise God for His power, His plan, and His great control over every single aspect of my life!  There is absolutely nothing too hard for the Lord our God and He is always more than enough.  Right after my prayer I started my daily devotion and it was on 2nd Corinthians 12:9 which says….
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
What an awesome God we serve!  Thank you Father for making me weak so that I always turn to you Lord!

I would like to challenge you to come visit us and see firsthand who we are and what we do!  To schedule a tour or just to ask questions, please contact me at 864-226-6193 ext. 102 or e-mail me at  Thank you for your willingness to help others.

In Christ,
Heather J. Mabe
Development Coordinator

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Kingdom Agenda: What a Way to Live

I am reading a book now authored by Dr. Tony Evans, The Kingdom Agenda: What a Way to Live.  Of course it deals with living for the Kingdom.  The older I get (66 now) the more I realize that the main thing in this life is Kingdom business because that is the only thing that is eternal.
Vance Havner said, “He would rather burn out rather than rust out.”  That is my desire and I trust it is yours.  We are seeing Kingdom work at the Haven on a regular basis as men and women are coming to know the Lord and are growing in Him.  We invite you to get involved in what the Lord is doing through this work.  If you would like to know more, please call me at 226-6193, ext.101.
Sid Stewart, Executive Director

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun Day for Mission Residents

Brian and I had the opportunity to take all the Mission residents to the lake for a cookout and fun time on Memorial Day.  The men played horseshoes, swam, listened to Christian music, and also had a discussion about what Memorial Day was all about.  We recognized veterans and those who had loved ones give their life to serve and protect us.  Overall it was a great day.  The men were very appreciative of us spending time with them at the lake. 
Curtis Pless, Missions Director

How Big Is Your God?

“The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised!” exclaimed the Psalmist David in Psalm 96:4.  He goes on to say that, “God is to be feared above all gods.”  Rev 19:1 tells us that all salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, belong to the Lord our God only.  Genesis 1:1 proclaims in the beginning GOD. Before there was anything, God was.  He stepped out into darkness and said “let there be light,” and there was light!  Then, he spoke and said “let there be,” and there was the sun, the moon, the stars, plants, animals, sea and land.
Can man speak and things appear?  No, I know because I tried while typing this blog & nothing happened (Hey, you can’t blame a gal for trying!).
God speaks… and time, matter, molecules, EVERYTHING obeys His voice.  God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his body the breath of life.  From the rib of man, He created woman.
All that is, is because of Him.  God is the great Creator, yet He himself is the uncreated.  He never grows tired or weary.  He never learns or wonders why.  He is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, all-sufficient God of the universe.  AMAZING!
If we truly believe the Bible to be true and that God can do and has done all of the things He claims, why do we worry?  Why do we fear?  Why do we believe that life, or circumstances, or people are hopeless?
So, my question for you today is “How big is your God?”  Jehovah is a strong tower.  The righteous run into it, and they are safe (Proverbs 18:10)!
Believing in a fire walking, giant slaying, death defying, life-changing God,
Theresa Allen
Women’s Ministry Director

Monday, May 23, 2011

First Friday of each month

On the First Friday of each month is a good opportunity for all to see a thumbnail sketch of the ministry at the Haven’s Men’s Training Center, 1106 N Major Rd, Belton, SC.

On June 3 at 6:30 pm, our guest speaker will be Rev. Wesley Taylor from Barker’s Creek Baptist Church in Honea Path.  The evening will celebrate several of the men’s progress within the program, including the men’s choir and testimonies, and followed by a charge to all from Pastor Taylor.

On June 5th New Prospect Baptist in Anderson will be having Haven of Rest Day during the 9:00 am service.  We appreciate all of our churches especially when we are given the opportunity to personally thank faithful partners face to face.

Eddie Capps
Director, Men’s Training Center

Monday, May 16, 2011

Employee Benefit Fair

We currently employ 68 individuals in 12 different locations in the upstate of South Carolina and in Hartwell, Georgia.  We have been meeting with all our employees over the past 2 weeks at our annual Employee Benefit Fair.  This is a time to share information and show our appreciation to those who share hope and love to countless others throughout the year as part of their daily routine.  During this meeting we give each employee a small gift from our ministry along with a few other “goodies” from area merchants.  This year the following businesses helped to sponsor this event:  Anderson Federal Credit Union, Attaway Printing, Clinique (Belk’s), Pepsi, Sterling Printing, SunTrust Bank, and Wendy’s.  We are grateful to these businesses for their partnership with us.  If you should have any small items that you might be able to contribute for next year’s Employee Benefit Fair, please call 226-6193 and ask for Sharon at ext. 106 or Nan at ext. 107.  A list of sponsors is distributed to each employee at the event. 
Sharon D. Brown
Financial Director

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thought for the Day

May the light of His love shine into all areas of your life and may His glory give you the hope that lasts forever.

Gene Christian, Industry Coordinator

Friday, April 22, 2011

Have a blessed Easter

I hope Sunday will be a special Easter for you.  May it be a day of reflection on the price that it cost our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  My prayer is that you have truly experienced Christ’s love and forgiveness.  In Christ we are forgiven and set free from the terrible clutches that sin’s talons had in us.

If you, a friend, or a loved one needs help with addictions, homelessness, or spiritual struggles, please call us or come by and talk to one of our staff at the Mission.  We want to help you.

Have a blessed Easter.
Curtis Pless, Mission Director

Monday, April 18, 2011


I enjoy reading the devotions by David Jeremiah and I wanted to share this one with you.  Our experiences in life give us the opportunity to help others.

Turning Point with David Jeremiah
Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
Romans 12:15
When Mitch Albom heard that his favorite college professor was dying of Lou Gehrig's disease, he visited him for the first time in  over 20 years. He asked Morrie, the professor, why he bothered to follow the news each day since he was not going to be around to see how things turn out: "It's hard to explain, Mitch," Morrie said. "Now that I'm suffering, I feel closer to people who suffer than I ever did before.... I feel their anguish as if it were my own."*
One of the reasons God lets us suffer in life is so we can understand the suffering of others and be able to comfort them--to do unto them what we would want others to do unto us. Paul lays out the progression of comfort in suffering by saying that God comforts us when we are hurting so we can comfort others with the same comfort by which we were comforted (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). When we suffer, we should receive the comfort of God and remember it so we can replicate that comfort for another.
We don't have to pray for suffering--it will find us easily enough. But we should pray for a spiritually-empathetic heart to feel the anguish of others and be prepared to comfort them as we ourselves would want to be comforted.
*Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lessons (Broadway, 2002), p. 50.

Sandra Vickery
Administrative Assistant

Friday, April 8, 2011

Who we are & what we do

I cannot put into words how very grateful we are for the ongoing support and friendship that we are blessed with!  Daily we have the opportunity to see God’s miracles and His unfailing love.  Many people in our community and surrounding areas do not have a full understanding of what the Haven of Rest includes. 

Some would say that we feed the homeless and provide shelter.  Others would mention that we have a women’s home and a farm of some sorts for men in a recovery program.  Several people know that they can shop at one of our Thrift stores to find a bargain, while others know whom to call when they have things they no longer need. 

The Haven of Rest Ministries is more than what lies on the surface.  Our goal is to see people who are suffering from life-dominating problems come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and in doing so turn everything over to Him.  Our Rescue Mission, Men’s Training Center, and Women’s Ministry are established in order to help change the lives of men and women who enter through our doors.  The Thrift stores we operate exist to help fund the programs provided. 

So many people are in desperate need of help and they come to our Haven for freedom in Christ.  I would like to challenge you to come visit us and see firsthand who we are and what we do!  To schedule a tour or just to ask questions, please contact me at 864-226-6193 ext. 102 or e-mail me at  Thank you for your willingness to help others.

In Christ,
Heather J. Mabe
Development Coordinator

Friday, April 1, 2011

Caring people enable us to reach people for Christ and meet physical needs.

What an opportunity we have set before us to reach people for Christ and meet physical needs.  Caring people in our community enables us to do this.
It costs an average of $25 a day for us to house and feed one client.  That is pretty cheap when you consider the cost in a motel, or what it costs the taxpayers for someone to be incarcerated (about $77 a night).
One month’s stay at the Haven costs about $750.  Would you consider making a donation, if you are not already doing so, to make it possible for us to be here tomorrow, next month, next year in order that others may receive the help they need.
Sid Stewart, Executive Director

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Spirit-Filled Life of Faith

In our own efforts to live this life good enough, we will always fail.  When we admit our weakness, though, Christ can then become strong inside of us (2 Corinthians 12:10).  This is proven in Hebrews chapter 11 where we see the honor roll of God’s faithful men and women. People like Moses, David, and Rahab.  Wait a minute! Moses… the murderer and the man with a hot temper?  David… the liar, the adulterer? Rahab… the harlot? How can these be God’s finest?  Because they recognized in their own power, all they would ever be was a liar, a murderer, or a harlot.  In God, however, they were chosen, redeemed, and forgiven.

Someone once said, “The fact that the Scriptures are brim full of hustlers, murderers, cowards, adulterers, and mercenaries used to shock me.  Now it is a source of great comfort.” 

You may look in the mirror and see a sinner, a failure, a promise-breaker.  But by faith, look in the mirror and see yourself as Christ sees you:

Col 3:3 – Hidden with Christ;
Col 1:4-- A forgiven child;
Col 1:22 – Holy and blameless;
Col 2: 10 – COMPLETE in Christ.

Whew, what a relief!  Now, we can rest (Matthew 11:28) and enjoy (John 10:10) this spirit-filled life of faith in Christ.

Theresa Allen
Women’s Ministry Director

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spreading the news....

When we have an opportunity to be in a local church on Sundays, it is a special privilege.  Most of the time it’s to share updates with the congregation on what their financial support is doing.
Sunday, March 20, 2011 we were doubly blessed by being in two of our local supporting churches in one day.  First we were able to share in the early service at Christ Reformed Church of the Carolinas.  Pastor Alex Campbell and Christ Reformed are great people and friends of the ministry.  Later that same morning we participated in a Haven of Rest Day at the 11 am hour with Barker’s Creek Baptist in Honea Path.  Pastor Wesley Taylor and the Barkers Creek folks made us feel welcome as always, having encouraged us by their support through the years.
If anyone knows of a church who would like to have a Haven speaker, choir, and testimonies for any service, we would love to schedule one in the near future.
Every first Friday we invite you to join us at the Men’s Training Center, 1106 North Major Rd., Belton, SC.  We have a meal beginning at 6:30 pm, testimonies, and choir.  An area pastor shares from the Word of God.  This is a great opportunity to come and find out a little more of how the ministry you support or have heard about operates.  Each month several men will be progressing from one phase to another, usually with the sending off of one of our men who has finished the one year program at the Men’s Training Center.  Come and join us as we challenge and encourage these men to go on with Christ.
Eddie Capps, Men’s Training Center Director

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Paper, paper, everywhere!!

The other side of ministry is the record keeping that is required.  Due to various tax laws and recommendations by our auditors, we have a tremendous amount of paper files that we keep – some for 7 years or even forever!  We recently purchased a document scanner that is connected to our computer system and backed up every night.  We are in need of volunteers who could come for a few hours every week to help in scanning our documents into our computer system.  It wouldn’t take a lot of concentration, just attention to see that the machine worked properly and that the correct name is attached to the file.  If you would be interested in more information about possibly serving in this area, please call 226-6193 and ask for Sharon Brown at ext. 106 or Nan Stephens at ext. 107.  Our goal is to retrieve information efficiently while decreasing the number of filing cabinets that are currently taking up precious space in our offices.  Thanks for your interest and prayers for our ministry. 
Sharon Brown, Financial Director 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good News

God is blessing the ladies in Phase II.  To date, Jackie has gotten a full-time job, and Jade has begun classes at the Adult Education Center to earn her GED.  Please continue to keep these ladies in your prayers as God faithfully works through them to reach others and to bring glory to His name.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why we are here

A man once said to me, “Do you really need a place here in America to help men get off drugs?”  I had to step back a minute to see if he was just kidding.  Sad to say he was not.  This question of need hits me every day that I work here.  Just the other morning while we were going through a testimony class, I heard story after story of broken young lives crying out for help.  Who will help them?  Almost every family involved with these young men had said, “Don’t come back; we cannot help you any more.”  So here they are, broken and hurting.  This is just how God wants them.  He is willing to look at their sin and to pour His love and grace into their pain.  At the Haven of Rest this is why we are here, and yes, we need to be here.  I would think almost everyone out there has had some part of their lives impacted by some life-controlling substance.   We are here to help.  Do keep praying for our Lord’s hand to be on this place.  God Bless!

Gene Christian
Industry Coordinator

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are you stressed?

Everyone struggles with stress at one time or another.  These are some verses that help me when I feel overwhelmed or under stress.  I hope they will help you too.

“Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:7

“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come?  My help comes from the LORD who made heaven and earth.  He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.  Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand.  The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.  The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.  The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.”  Psalm 121:1-8

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.”  Philippians 4:6-7

Sandra Vickery
Administrative Assistant

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ways You Can Be Involved

Hello everyone, my name is Heather James Mabe and I am the Development Coordinator for the Haven of Rest Ministries.  I would like to take just a moment to share with you a few of the ways YOU can become involved here at the Haven and by doing so, how you will be helping to change someone’s life.
Ways to get involved-
  • Make a one time, a monthly, or an annual gift donation.
  • Donate items to our thrift stores.
  • Become a prayer partner.
  • Volunteer your time and talents.
  • Bring your Missions group, Sunday school class, youth group, family, or friends to the Haven for a tour.
What it will mean when YOU get involved-
  • One more person will have something to eat, somewhere to sleep, a shower, clothes to wear; they will be taught truth, and be shown love.
  • All items donated to our stores are used for our clients, people in need, or sold to raise money that is used to fund the ministry which is working to change lives from the inside out.
  • PRAYER is something we ALL need and is the most powerful gift we have.
  • When you volunteer, you receive even more of a blessing than you realize.  You show how much you care when you give of yourself.
  • By bringing a group by to take a tour, you are opening a door of awareness to others.  So many people have no clue who we are or what we do.  You can help others to see with their own eyes that the Haven of Rest Ministries is so much more than a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.  Together we are saving lives every single day!
I would like to challenge each of you to become more aware of what is taking place within the doors of the Haven, share what you learn with others, establish a plan on what you are going to do to get involved, and then DO IT!!  I promise that you will receive one of the greatest blessings in life by what you do for others.  Thank you so much!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Praise Report - Women's Ministry (Under His Wings)

As many of you know, we have experienced a slight delay in the opening of Shadow House (Phase II of the Women's Ministry Program).  I am happy to report, however, that on Monday evening, Feb. 7, 2011, the City of Anderson granted the Haven of Rest an occupancy permit for 8 residents in this home.  Additionally, the Haven of Rest had the opportunity to meet with a small group of neighbors to fully explain the women's ministry and answer any questions they may have directly.  The meeting was a huge success.  After hearing about the program first-hand, the neighbors embraced the opening of Shadow House.  The Lord is gracious.  He not only provided for the house to be opened but created the opportunity for us to make many new friends with our neighbors.  Theresa Allen, Women's Ministry Director

Monday, February 7, 2011

To God be the glory

What an awesome privilege to participate with God in what He is doing.  The Word of God says “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.” (1 Cor.3:9)  We see His activity daily in the people we are called on to serve and their families.  Also we see His supernatural provision which is an incredible thing to watch.
Men and women who have no hope come to us and through dedicated staff and servants who volunteer their time are able to offer hope that their life can be meaningful and productive.  If you watch the evening news and read the newspaper, it could look real bleak these days. But God is alive and well and very much still at work.
Just recently I got a call from an older man who had been at the Haven of Rest several years ago and God radically changed his life.  He is back with his family now and helping others with some of the same problems he once had.  To God be the glory.
Sid Stewart
Executive Director

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Haven of Rest is now on Blogger.

Check here to keep up with all the latest news about the Haven of Rest and associated ministries.