Thursday, November 14, 2013

Is this from You Lord?

In every believer’s journey there will be a time when something seems like the perfect opportunity. Your emotions will be shouting, I couldn’t have dreamed this up! Your mind will be telling you, Oh, man! It doesn’t get any better than this! But God will be saying, This isn’t my will.

This is what happened to Dr. Elmer Towns, the co-founder of Liberty University. In his book God Encounters, he tells a story about a time when he turned down what appeared to be a perfect opportunity.

After resigning from a teaching job at a small Bible college, he accepted an offer with the National Sunday School Association to travel, speak, and teach to various denominations. This seemed like the perfect chance for national recognition, influence, and a wider ministry. But God had something else in mind.

In his book, Towns tells about the experience.

I woke up violently in the middle of the black night. Something was wrong. I began to sweat all over.

“Lord, what is it?”

The Lord was in the room, not physically, nor did I see a vision, nor did I hear an audible voice; but I knew that the Lord was standing by my bed to warn me of something. . . I prayed several times, “Lord, what are you trying to tell me?”

Then the Lord spoke to my heart, telling me not to take the new job I had just accepted. . . “Don’t take the job,” God kept saying.

Taking the job seemed like the right thing to do considering his gifts and talents, and how he could make the greatest impact. Not only that, but ever since Towns was a freshman in college he had wanted to be a Bible college president. This opportunity looked like a fast track to his dream.

However, after wrestling with God for a couple hours in prayer, Towns realized he was being driven by his ego. So he told the Lord that fame was not important and that he wouldn’t take the job—even if it meant never becoming a college president.

Then the Lord spoke to his heart, Don’t take the Sunday school job. . . but within a year I will give you a college presidency. He obeyed, continued to teach at the small Bible college, and kept trusting God.

One wintery day two months later, he decided to stop by his church to chat with his pastor, Robert MacMillan. While there, he told Pastor MacMillan about his dream to become a Bible college president. “That’s wonderful!” the pastor responded, then told Towns he had the talent to do the job. Just then the phone rang. It was a pastor friend of MacMillan’s from Toronto, Canada who asked, “Do you know where I can find a young man to be President of Winnipeg Bible College?”

“Your man is sitting right here,” MacMillan answered.

There will come a time when you will be convinced that the opportunity in front of you is right. But remember, not every good opportunity is a God opportunity. Stay flexible. Pray. Let Him guide you. He knows best.


By Shana Schutte, Blueprint for Life



Sid Stewart

Executive Director

864 226-6193


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