Wednesday, June 13, 2012

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3:16-17

Last week as I was preparing a lesson for my Sunday School class, the writer discussed how often today Christians look at the scriptures like a salad bar, “picking what they like and ignoring the rest” As I pondered that thought it occurred to me that many of the ladies who enter our program have that same mindset.  Many of them have had an “experience” of some type with church and Christianity, but they don’t respect the scripture as the Holy inerrant word of God. Often they don’t understand that the bible is not a book about God, but it is the God breathed word of God.

The Bible is made up of sixty-six books compiled into one unit that was penned by man but God inspired.  Each author was distinctively different in his personality and background.  Yet, God was able to join them together, in unity, to write His book with one purpose, revealing His truth and His relationship to mankind.  Every word in the Bible is precisely what God wanted communicated to us.  Only God could take forty plus men and supernaturally use them to write His words yet never compromise the truthfulness, clarity or purity of the finished product. These facts combined with love for God encourages us to teach and share the word of God daily with the residents of Haven of Rest.

When a woman enters our program, almost unanimously they share with us that their addiction was born out of a need to fill a void.  Often they have gone to church, and many own a Bible, they have had “conversations” with God. At one time or another in our lives many of us wanted to hear from God, but we only wanted to listen if His answer aligned with our thoughts, dreams and plans.  Often the lifestyles of people today leave little room for the authoritative word of God to manage their lives.  When God’s word seems harsh or too difficult, it is ignored or discarded.  But the scripture from II Timothy tells us that ALL scripture is from God and is “profitable” for our lives, but profitable for what? The verse mentions four things, “teaching, reproof, correction, and training”.  Scripture helps us restructure our thinking to be more like His thinking.  Scripture teaches us; it lays a foundation of doctrine; it corrects us; and it trains us.  Verse 17 sums up why Scripture is important; so that God’s children will be equipped for His service. 

At the Haven of Rest our goal is to see the lives of those who come to us seeking help, changed from the inside out.  We endeavor to teach that God and God alone can change lives and fill the emptiness that exist in the soul of a person separated from God.  The discipleship teachings that are offered at the Haven of Rest utilizes the Bible, God’s holy word to equip our clients to become the men and women that God intended them to be.

Have you equipped yourself with the word of God so that you are prepared for the tasks that He has called you to do?

Terri Dickson
Associate Director, Women’s Ministry

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"One Another" Sighting

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another in brotherly love.  (Rom 12:10)

The clients at the Haven of Rest Men's Training Center had a unique opportunity to be involved in the Rick Gage Go Tell Crusade at the BHP stadium on May 20-23.  There was a great out pouring of the spirit's work with over 1000 decisions for the week.  As young converts, for our men to see that kind of out pouring was probably a once in a lifetime experience.  Equally, our men saw the body of Christ united around a cause bigger than themselves.  Our men were able to experience first hand and hands on other men working together.  Many men in our community came early and stayed late after the crusade and lent a hand to lift and load, tear down and remove the stage from the crusade. 

The image I have in my mind was of course hundreds of people of every age flooding the field during the invitation time.  I will never forget the excitement of being able to witness the moving of the Spirit in that way.  Afterwards at the end of the day, a group of about 30 to 35 men joined hands on the track at BHP stadium and offered up a prayer of thanks for what He had done.  I sensed I was part of a group that had accomplished something that no one of us could have accomplished by ourselves.  For the Haven men to be able to see other Christian men rallying around them and encouraging them and edifying them, working along side of them, as well as doing grunt work for no other reason than they simple wanted too was a picture I don't think I"ll forget. 

Thank you to the community of Christ, the churches and for those who worked so hard to put this crusade together and most of all for letting the Haven of Rest men see love in action.

Eddie Capps

Haven of Rest
Men's Training Center