Friday, September 30, 2011

Managing MY Emotions

I have recently started teaching a class on Joyce Meyer’s book ‘Managing Your Emotions’ and I’m here to tell you…God has a way of making the teacher the student.  I have always personally struggled with my emotions and controlling them.  I’m learning so many things and I really wanted to share some of them with you all.  God has a purpose in everything!  Amen

Managing Your Emotions
By: Joyce Meyer
Questions and Answers
  1. Can we get rid of our emotions?  No, but we can manage our emotions.
  2. Can we feel more than one emotion at a time?  Yes
  3. Is anger a wrong emotion?  No    Explain your answer: The Bible does not teach that we are never to feel anger.  Instead it teaches that when we do get angry, we are not to sin, but rather we are the MANAGE or CONTROL our anger in the proper ways.
  4. Where do our emotions come from? All emotions are given to us by God Himself and they have a purpose.    
  5. Are sexual emotions wrong?  No  Explain your answer  It simply means that we are human and subject to all emotional feelings and reactions experienced by other human beings.  THE IMPORTANT THING IS HOW YOU HANDLE YOUR EMOTIONS.
  6. With God’s help, we are to learn to keep sexual feelings Under Control until we are married.
Romans 6:12 states: Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

  1. We are to resist sin in the power of the Holy Spirit.
*****It is important to remember that emotions won’t disappear and go away.  They will ALWAYS be there.  We must not deny their existence or feel guilty because of them.  Instead, we are to channel them in the right direction.  We are to deny the flesh the right to rule us, but we are not to deny that it exists.*****
  1. It seems that the majority of people are either emotional or emotionless.
  2. The ability to show emotions when they are positive and helpful, and to control emotions when they are negative and destructive can be referred to as balance.
I would like to challenge you to come visit us and see firsthand who we are and what we do!  To schedule a tour or just to ask questions, please contact me at 864-226-6193 ext. 102 or e-mail me at  Thank you for your willingness to help others.

In Christ,
Heather J. Mabe
Development Coordinator

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